Torricelli Mask
- TitleAbstracted Mask
- LocationTorricelli Mountains , Sandaun Province
- Date1960s
- Size40cm (L) x 7cm (W)
- PriceSOLD
This mask is from the Torricelli Mountains in Papua New Guinea Little is known about this style mask. I have seen other similar examples with tapering elongated noses but none which have been so heavily abstracted as seen in this form. It is encrusted with a dark black pigment. Its simplified shape and form displays beautifully on a custom polished wooden base and metal stand.
This mask is from the Torricelli Mountains in Papua New Guinea Little is known about this style mask. I have seen other similar examples with tapering elongated noses but none which have been so heavily abstracted as seen in this form. It is encrusted with a dark black pigment. Its simplified shape and form displays beautifully on a custom polished wooden base and metal stand.